
Letter for me....

...heute bekam ich von meinem Host Dad einen Brief, den ich mit in meine Bewerbungsunterlagen legen kann. Muss ja schon zugeben, das ich etwas überrascht bin, schätze mich eben immer nie so ein. Aber freut mich das es so gut aus fiel und ich nun etwas mehr zeigen kann. Möchte dies natürlich auch gerne euch zeigen...sollten Übersetzungsprobleme da sein, könnt ihr mich gerne anschreiben *fg*

To whom it may concern:

I am writing to highly recommend Mariska Helfrich for employment. Mariska was my families’ Au Pair from November 2008 to November 2009 in Seattle, Washington, USA. Mariska’s duties included shopping, cooking, caring for my son Leo as well as organizing many of the details of running our household.

Both my wife Liz and I found Mariska to be a reliable, humorous, creative and caring individual. She was wonderful with our son and constantly impressed us by coming up with artistic and educational activities for the two of them to do together.

Mariska’s creativity also manifested itself in her excellent computer abilities. She is very savvy with multi-media programs including pictures, video and graphics. We were very impressed with her abilities to navigate the Internet in both German and English.

Another factor that would make Mariska a tremendous asset to your company is her willingness to pitch in and do just about anything. There were many times when my wife and I needed extra help on a special project. Mariska was always willing to help out and go the extra step.

In addition to her creativity and willingness to pitch on projects Mariska is extremely responsible. She was always on time and clearly followed all instructions we gave her.

When Mariska started with our family her English was fair but now her English is quite good. She is easy to understand and has even begun to pick up some English sayings and slang terms. She is quite able to communicate verbally now in English and it has been a joy to watch her learn the language and begin to master it.

We think that Mariska would be great working with customers or co-workers in both English and German in any fast paced work environment. Her language abilities and her outgoing personality make her a fit for many types of jobs and roles. She has been a critical part of our family this year and will be missed.

The company that hires this talented young woman will not be disappointed.

Please feel free to call or email for more information. We would love to answer any questions.


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